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Who qualifies for expungement in Idaho?

The consequences of an Idaho criminal conviction don't immediately end when someone pays their fines or exits state facilities. The record of their criminal conviction can continue to generate consequences for the indefinite future. Many employers, landlords and...

What is the standardized field sobriety test?

Police officers who are trying to determine if a driver is impaired have specific methods that they commonly use to determine what’s going on. One of methods involves various field sobriety tests. With that said, not all tests are admissible in court. The standardized...

What should you know about drunk driving stops?

Drunk driving stops help police officers to keep impaired drivers off the road. However, it’s possible that law enforcement officers may initiate a traffic stop due to suspected impairment when a driver isn’t actually impaired. Understanding the basics of suspected...

Can an Idaho DUI Court help you?

Many people charged with driving under the influence (DUI) infractions have no past history of run-ins with the police and are unlikely to reoffend. However, for those who are dependent on alcohol and/or drugs, a criminal sentence may not prevent them from driving...

Big Game Violations In Idaho

Hire A Lawyer For Common Big Game Violations In Idaho Perhaps the last thing you expect to happen on your next hunting trip in Idaho is for the authorities to charge you with a crime, but it happens all the time. If you are accused of violating one of the Idaho...

When can Idaho file reckless driving charges against a motorist?

Traffic violations often don't seem like a very serious concern unless a crash occurs. However, Idaho, like many other states, may treat traffic infractions more seriously than drivers expect. Someone pulled over for what they assume should be a simple citation might...

Does your teen know their Miranda Rights?

Navigating the complexities of individual legal rights can be daunting for anyone, but it can become especially crucial for teenagers who may find themselves in unexpected legal situations with no prior experience of navigating any aspect of the law. Understanding...

Possession/Transportation Without A Proxy Statement

Possession/Transportation Without A Proxy Statement A proxy statement is a special form that allows a hunter or fisherman to transfer possession of their legally harvested game meat to someone else. Not having one can put you in a difficult legal position, and the...

Can ice fishing lead to an expensive ticket in Idaho?

Hunting and fishing are popular outdoor activities in Idaho. People of all ages and backgrounds may enjoy the competitive aspects of fishing, in particular, or they may rely on it as a means of supporting themselves and their dependents. Most people must obtain a...


Trespass Laws For Hunting And Gaming In Idaho Understanding Idaho’s trespassing laws can be an important part of planning a fishing excursion or hunting expedition. If you are a hunter or angler in Idaho, it is your responsibility to understand the hunting and gaming...

